Light. As. Air.

These chairs were amongst my favorite at the ICFF this week. The colors, the fun and the whimsy stopped me in my tracks. I envision them in children's rooms, teen hangout spaces and around the pool. These have me floating into the long holiday weekend.

Spring. Has. Sprung.

Despite temperatures continuing to rise and fall drastically, spring has finally arrived. As I look forward to longer days and warmer weather, I think about summer entertaining. Leave it to the quintessential American designer, Ralph Lauren, to collaborate with famed English brand, Burleigh Pottery, to create a tabletop collection. Each piece is handmade in traditional fashion. I see endless possibilities for exceptional tables.

Et. Tu. Brute.

Brutalist architecture met very mixed reviews when it first appeared in the 1950’s and 60’s. “Aggressive.” “Austere.” “Handsome.” “Harsh.” While I admire the architecture and enjoy spending time, eating in and wandering through the Met Breuer, I don’t want to live in this type of structure. But I would like to live among its accessories. The Paul Evans ice bucket has been on my wish list for years. I found the lamp with the black shade on a recent trip through the 1st Dibs Gallery. While sourcing, I came across the lamp with the white shade from RH, which at a fraction of the price makes it all the more attractive.

Clockwise from top left: RH Lamp, Vintage Lamp, Ice Bucket, Met Breuer Museum, Abstract Panel, Concrete Vases.

Endless. Inspiration. Source.

I spent the last (freezing) day organizing hundreds of my design magazines. I always see something new when I reread them. Magazines have always been my guilty pleasure and I love taking time to read the pages while taking a break from a screen. Here are a few of my go-tos:


My. Favorite. Material.

Travertine is my absolute favorite material. It’s old, yet modern and when you find the perfect shade, not too yellow and not too white, it can add texture and depth to any interior. Whether it’s a bookend on a shelf, a bowl or an entire wall sheathed in the stone, I love to incorporate it in my projects.

A. Few. Favorites.

I love entertaining at home. Tabletop decor is my hobby, my specialty and one of my favorite design elements. Nowhere else in home design does high/low work so well together. With a solid set of basics, items can be added or subtracted to completely transform the look. I always keep tons of inexpensive (and indestructible) glasses, as everyone should be able to switch from red to white or still to sparkling without rinsing. At my last dinner party we served incredible dirty martinis and I cannot believe I didn’t have a proper cocktail glass. Below are a few of my favorite basics that make up the foundation of my tabletop collection. The martini glasses, perfectly priced, are arriving tomorrow.

Paris. Photo. 2018.

Paris Photo is my favorite art fair. Ever. In my favorite city. Ever. In the most beautiful venue (Grand Palais). Ever. I spent a few days in Paris, both at the show and re-exploring the city. Nothing inspires my work more than travel. Below are a few of my favorite photographs from this year’s show.


Rainy. Summer. Days.

Rain, rain go away! I'm not one for rainy summer days. I would rather be outside all day long. However, the rain has me thinking of these impossibly chic umbrella stands. They are the perfect whimsical antidote to a rainy day. Fornasetti, you can do no wrong.

Bedside. Table. Lamps.

I'm working with a client in California right now, consulting on finishing touches before the family moves in to their new home. Bedside table lamps were on our list. I love sourcing vintage lighting (I have a post forthcoming on my vintage picks) but this client specifically asked for new lights to complement their decidedly modern decor. Glass feels new again after a long period of metals. A pop of color also adds interest against a neutral background.

Nonfiction. Inspiration. Source.

I love to read. Usually fiction. But when I began to research for a new book, I read several reviews of The Feather Thief that promised this non-fiction was a "true crime adventure." The fact that it was related to fly fishing (another of my random hobbies), I was sold. What I never expected this book to be was a source of creative inspiration. And yet, reading about the locales of the captured birds, the colors of the feathers, and the love for the art of fly tying all have me excited to jump out of vacation mode and back into design. I highly recommend The Feather Thief.

Summer. Is. Here.

I love designing a tabletop. I think it is the easiest way to transition home design from season to season. I first found these bright placemats at the NY Now trade show in February, the dead of winter. They are the perfect backdrop for a summer table. Caution: might cause diners to smile. 

All images courtesy of Mozaiko.

All images courtesy of Mozaiko.

All. Custom. Bar.

This bar is proof that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The custom bronze cabinets have perfectly mitred corners. Notice the bronze inlay detailing on the marble. The wall at the back called for something more sophisticated than wallpaper or even stone, the Ghosted Branches custom bronze art work completes this bar perfectly. 
